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          As an artist, I enjoy painting in gouache, watercolour, and drawing in graphite. I generally like to paint pieces that are mostly abstract and simplistic, or just very basic. With drawing, however, I like to do studies of the human body in detail; for instance, a pair of lips, or a closed eye. I like to create pieces that are aesthetically pleasing, as opposed to pieces which are overdone and bland. Certain colour schemes and words, for example, will inspire me to create pieces of abstract art which implicate both. Unusual photographs of the human body will also inspire me to draw and mimic what is shown in the photograph.


           Before I begin painting, I’ll generally have a colour scheme picked, as well as an idea of what exactly I want to see when I’m finished. As I’m working, I like to take breaks every so often and think to myself, “What does this work bring to mind?” Generally I like to have my works bring words like “delicate,” “soft,” or “angelic,” to mind. My art is usually very hit and miss for me, as if it looks too heavy, I’ll be disappointed. I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to my art, even though the art itself may not end up looking like it. If it doesn’t turn out exactly how I pictured it before I started, I’ll almost always scrap it and start again. If it does, however, turn out well, I like to photograph it and post it on my Instagram page. (@aislinntimoon) I like to use either gouache or watercolour because both mediums allow one to “lift” mistakes, and to easily manipulate the opacity and pigment.

          Right now, I’m doing mostly abstract work with gouache. I have been using mostly pastel colours, specifically pinks, blues, and yellows. I think that this specific colour preference stems from my general style changing completely. When I was younger, I generally would avoid overly feminine styles and colours-- as though a colour has a gender! Recently, I’ve tended to actually prefer more feminine styles and colours, such as pastels and softer “looks” which has greatly influenced my artwork.

Artist statement

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